In InfraNodus, you can process texts in several languages. English, German, French, and Russian are supported to the fullest extent. We also have a limited support for Spanish, Portugese, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese languages.
The language setting is used to
a) remove the stopwords;
b) lemmatize keywords in the graph (e.g. "companies" becomes "company", "looked" > "look", etc.)
The default setting is automatic language detection, which we recommend to change to your default User language if you tend to use that language most of the time (in User > Settings)
If you don't want to have any language processing enabled or want to use InfraNodus in a language that is not supported, you can switch off the lemmatizer in user settings and upload your custom list of stopwords. You can find more information in In Your Own Language: Lemmatization and Stopwords Removal
If you're unhappy about your language processing, the problem may be that InfraNodus' automatic detection is not recognizing your language. In that case, we also recommend to change to your chosen language.
Changing Your Language Setting
By default, InfraNodus will detect your language automatically. However, sometimes you may want to make it work more precisely by setting the default language you use. If you hard-set your language, it will also process your texts faster.
1) Change the default language of the user (User Settings > Language)
2) Change the language setting for each graph (Settings menu on the right > Language Settings), as shown in the image below:
The language setting is used for two things:
1) Knowing which stopwords to remove, and
2) Lemmatizing the words (e.g. plural to singular, past to present)
If you would like to use the language setting for either the stopwords or the lemmatization, you have two options.
1) No lemmatization, only stopwords detection — You can go to the User Settings or Graph Settings a) switch off the language detection completely and then b) add the keywords you want to use as the stopwords into the custom stopwords list, then c) select use custom stopwords only
2) No stopwords, but only lemmatization — leave the stopwords field empty and choose to process only custom stopwords (as you have none, none will be processed). Then choose the lemmatizer you want to use.
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