When you are working with a graph in InfraNodus, we encourage you to use Project Notes to add your own as well as AI-generated ideas and insights about this graph. You can later use these notes as a reference to pick up where you have left off or to develop a new discourse on top of the one you studied.
1. Adding Ideas to Project Notes
Here is how you can add a note about your graph to the Project Notes:
You can add 3 types of content to the project notes:
A. Your own ideas as you explore the graph
How? Simply click on the "Notes" green button at the bottom of the interface, add your idea or insight and then click "Save" (as shown above).
B. AI-generated facts, research questions, and ideas
How? Once an idea is generated, click Save to Notes next to it and it'll be saved into your Project Notes:
C. Insights from Analytics Panel
You can also save to your project notes the insights from the Analytics panel — the main topics and keywords identified.
This is especially useful when you're exploring your graph in several iterations and want to save intermediary insights:
2. Getting Ideas from Your Project Notes
Once you're done, you can get your ideas from your Project Notes in 4 ways:
A. Download them as a text file
Just click "Download TXT" button in the Project Notes dialogue.
B. Generate an article outline based on your project notes using built-in GPT-3 AI
Just click "AI Generate Outline"
C. Simply read them through and think about the implications :)
Just open the notes and read through them. It's often inspiring and a great way to come back to your research.
D. Copy those notes, open a new graph, and paste your ideas into it to develop them further
This works especially well if you want to develop an article or an idea based on an existing discourse. This way you avoid repeating the statement and reduce the possibility of plagiarism. You can also use InfraNodus Thinking Recommender to help you generate new ideas based on your notes.
To try it out, go to https://infranodus.com
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