Information is like a commodity. There is the interest, which can be represented as the demand, and the knowledge — the supply. InfraNodus helps you find the gap between the interest / demand and the knowledge / supply: what people are searching for but do not actually find.
1. Think of a topic, for example, "artificial intelligence". Let's use the SEO app or the Niche Finder app to find the gap between what people search for and what they actually find.
(Demand[Interest] - Supply[Knowledge]) = Informational Opportunity
2. The system will visualize 2 graphs superimposed on each other.
One is the graph of Google search results for this query (supply of information).
The other one is the graph of the search queries that are most often used in relation to this subject (demand of information).
Superimposed, they can reveal their general patterns of information circulation:
see the interactive graph for "artificial intelligence" on InfraNodus
The combination of content and interest on artificial intelligence is comprised of several topics:
Computer Science
Latest Scientific Articles
Learning & Intelligence
Machine Learning
Therefore, the discourse is happening in the context of computer science, education and learning, and AI technology.
3. What's missing? Click on the Analytics > Missing Content pane to reveal the insight about what should or could be included into the existing discourse but is not.
see the interactive graph
4. First, we look at the Missing Keywords: what people search for but do not find. In our case, it's something about
the effects of AI
the AI stocks
the applications of AI
disadvantages of AI
That means that while the existing discourse on AI is focusing on all these subject above, people are also concerned about the implications of this technology.
Actionable insight: create content talking about the implications of AI, its advantages and disadvantages, linking this discourse to the performance of AI stocks on the market.
This sort of content will fulfil the existing gap in the current AI discourse.
4. We can see exactly what people are interested but do not find in if we click on Reveal the Gap button or choose the Data > Missing Keywords menu option. This will show show the missing content ideas and how they relate to each other:
see the interactive graph of missing content on the topic of AI
We can see that particularly people are interested in the negative effects of AI, advantages and disadvantages.
5. If we then see the missing content for the missing content graph, we will finally get a very good and precise idea of what kind of content people are looking for in the context of AI:
We can now make the list of missing content and informational opportunity even more precise by looking at the Enrich the Current Discourse field, which proposes to make content that links applications of AI and AI stocks.
So now the gap is even more precise:
the negative effects of AI, its advantages disadvantages
the AI stocks vs AI applications
That is, if we create content that talks about the effects of AI on the one side and correlate this to the stock market and applications of AI, we will create something very interesting.
6. We have now identified an informational opportunity niche that exists in the discourse on AI. The content produced on this subject will definitely be consumed and will attract attention. This can be used to transform the existing discourse on the AI or to introduce a new idea.
You can always come back to the original graph if you click on the Main Topics button in the Analytics panel or choose Data: Your Keyword Ideas in the Statements menu at the top left.
7. Take notice of the Enrich the Current Discourse field in the Analytics Panel. Linking the topics of machine learning and improving the learning process in general using computers is also an interesting area to explore.
You can use InfraNodus to identify the gaps between what people search for and what they find, so you know what's missing from what is needed, allowing you to focus your interest and efforts on these niches, which may have the highest potential in terms of growth or development.
You can also, of course, offer a different sort of criteria, like if you want to discover things that are not so much needed but that are interesting to explore. In that case, you can also reverse the sides and see what's missing in one that does not exist in the other. What information we find but we don't really look for and why it is actually there.
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