Using InfraNodus, you can research the current customer's demand for a product using a combination of powerful AI-powered NLP tools and knowledge graphs. As a result, you will have a clear understanding of what your potential customers are looking for and how to market your product to reach them.
This tutorial shows how to perform this research for online marketplaces, however, you can also use it for any other marketplace, both online and offline. You will see how InfraNodus can be very helpful for building a map of the current demand for the product so that you can see the patterns of demand, keyword combinations that people tend to use when searching for your product, and how to identify potential niches with low competition and high interest.
As an example, we will use a real product, "The Conversation Book" — a book on conversational practice published by the Berlin-based independent publishing house Circadian. This book consists of 40 questions to explore hypothetical scenarios in life to ask oneself or a friend. It is a great tool for self-exploration but also to get to know somebody else. At the moment, it's sold in small quantities through art book stores, but we decided to help Circadian expand the sales to online marketplaces (disclosure: one of the authors of the book is also the co-founder of InfraNodus).
We have two objectives:
- Understand how to market this product on Amazon and other marketplaces
- Understand how the product itself can be developed further
At the end of this article, we will also mention some other tools you can use, such as Helium 10 and Jungle Scout, and demonstrate how you can integrate their insights into your InfraNodus workflow.
Video Tutorial on Product Keyword Research
Step by Step Turorial: How to Perform Keyword Research for Your Product
The best way to understand the current demand for a product is to explore what people search for when they try to find something similar. InfraNodus has a special "keyword research" app that extracts the top 100 related search terms related to your search query and shows how they are connected to each another.
Unlike other tools, it does not just provide a list with a table. Instead, it looks for the patterns, so you see not only the most popular search terms, but also their co-occurrence patterns, which helps you understand the context much better.
Step 1: Start with the Book's Title
We will start with the name of the book to better understand what people might be searching for when they look for this product.
We open the InfraNodus Keyword Research app and then type in "conversation book", which will produce something like this:
This shows that when people search for the "conversation book", they also search for
- "difficult conversations and role-games" and
- "English speaking practice".
The knowledge graph shows the keywords that tend to form topical clusters with the same color (and closer to each other on the graph). The bigger the words, the more often they appear together with the search terms. The Analytics panel on the right shows the AI-generated names for these topics.
Actionable insights:
- Market the book as a tool for developing conversational skills and having difficult conversations
- Market the book as something to be used with a partner and in role games
- Market the book as a tool to improve English conversational skills
Step 2: Use Ideas from the Knowledge Graph
Using the knowledge graph, we identified that the term "difficult" is often present when people search for the "conversation book". We can use this contextual information from the knowledge graph to develop the context of our customers' demand.
Click the node "difficult" to import additional keywords related to "difficult conversation" (use the import panel at the bottom left of the interface as shown in the animation below).
This will enable you to see what specifically our customers are interested in when they search for "difficult conversations":
As you can see, adding the new terms, we see that the following terms are often used:
- difficult conversation topics
- conversation topics to talk to friends / to talk about in a relationship
Actionable insights:
- market the book for use in relationships or to talk to friends
- show that it has the topics for interesting / difficult conversations
Step 3: Reiterate and Add More Terms from the Knowledge Graph
If you see any other relevant or influential terms on the knowledge graph, perform additional search on them.
For instance, performing an additional search for "conversation english practice" will increase the influence of "speaking topics for beginners" and also of "english conversational dialogue".
Step 4: Add Selected Keywords to the Project Notes
Once you added a few more keywords, extract the most evident recurring keyword patterns from the knowledge graph and from the Analytics Panel > Main Topics and > Keyword Relations > Top Relations panels.
You'll have something like this:
Actionable insights so far:
- for the product description, emphasize the social aspect of this product (reading and playing with friends or in a relationship)
- mention that it's a great tool to discover topics for "difficult conversations"
- mention it can help develop conversational skills
- mention it's a great tool for english conversational practice and that it has interesting speaking topics for language-learners
Step 5: Estimate the Product Demand
When you import the keyword data, InfraNodus adds the number of searches every keyword has per month. You can see it at the top of the keyword and also use the filter to show only the top keywords.
Explore these filters to see
- the most popular keywords (this also means highly competitive ones)
- the least popular keywords (these may be interesting long-tail or niche keywords with less competition)
In our case, so far, these are:
We can see, that the most popular search queries for the context around our research so far are the english conversational practice and conversation topics for couples (also in late night), which confirms our hypothesis above that in the product description we should mention these aspects of the product.
However, these are also highly competitive terms, so we might also want to look at the less popular search queries (e.g. 1 to 100 per month) to see what they are about.
In our case, it's "role playing" and "speaking practice", which indicates that we should emphasize those points when we promote and market this product.
Actionable insight:
Therefore, our product description will focus on how the book is useful for finding conversational topics and practicing English, while the marketing aspect will focus on more the role-playing and speaking-practice aspect.
Tip: Hide the Most Popular Terms to Reveal the Context Around
One of the most useful features of InfraNodus is the ability to hide the most influential terms to see the context around. You can do that by selecting a keyword and temporarily hiding it from the graph. The knowledge graph and topical metrics will be recalculated, so you'll be able to see which other important search terms emerge:
Step 6: Expand the Context: Zoom Out
Once you explore the context around your product's main topic, you need to expand it and zoom out. In our case, the book is about conversations, so let's perform a similar search on just the term "conversation". The content of the book are questions, so let's add another search on "questions".
As the next step, remove the top content layers from the knowledge graph to see what's hiding behind:
As a result, once we remove the top words like "conversation", "questions" etc. we will get to a new cluster that we weren't aware of: "conversation and question games".
In fact, it's a huge market and once we start exploring it further (using the workflow described above — e.g. performing a search for "conversation game"), we will see that there is even more demand for table games and conversation games.
Actionable insight:
- Product development: there may be a market for turning the book into a card game or even an app
Step 7: Dive into the Specifics and Reiterate Steps 2 - 6.
You should alternate between zooming into the details and zooming out to the more general terms until you build a complete knowledge graph of the customer demand:
This is the process that we describe in more detail in our Cognitive Variability: InfraNodus Thinking Dynamics Sensor and Ecological Thinking: Thematic Diversity and Cognitive Adaptability articles. It consists of adaptively scanning both small-scale and large-scale informational fields and alternating between focus and exploration. As a result, you will get a very rich and diverse understanding of both the big picture and small, but important nuance.
The keywords that we accumulate as a result and save into Project Notes, are:
conversation book
difficult conversation
english conversation
english conversation practice
conversations topics for friends
difficult conversations in a relationship
conversation skills
conversation with a partner
question game
couples question games
question game to play with friends
question app
question card game
have meaningful conversation with friends
books on difficult conversations
meaningful conversation app
online conversation game
question game for adults
question card game for adults
english conversation practice
question card game for couples
fun talking games for couples
fun games for couples
family table topic games
question quiz
couple quiz
conversation starter
conversation starter for friends
conversation starter for couples
english conversation practice
Actionable insight so far:
- Product description should contain references to the collective aspect of the practice, how it is a good tool for conversational practice, for having difficult conversations, especially in relationships, with friends, or in a couple. Also, mention the usefulness of it for learning English and finding conversation topics.
- Marketing materials may focus on the fact that it's a "social book" that can be used as a "game" and "language learning" because these groups of concepts are not used in the same context although people with the same interests search for them. Which means that if we offer something to the market that combines those interests in a new way, we may discover an interesting niche.
- Product development — the book could potentially be turned into a card game or an app, but we need to estimate how competitive this market is.
Step 8: Use the AI to Generate a Summary for the Keywords Saved in the Project Notes
You can use the built-in AI to generate an article for the keywords in your project notes. This can be helpful for writing about the product or creating a marketing pitch. For example, in our case, we have this text:
Engaging in meaningful conversations is vital for fostering relationships. Couples and friends can enhance their bond through question games like apps and card games. For deeper discussions, resources on difficult conversations and English practice are available. To add fun, try conversation starters, quizzes, and table topic games for couples and friends. Remember, communication is key to building strong connections.
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